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- Download Aircraft Carrier For Fs2004 Freeware Scenery
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- Aircraft Carrier For Fs2004
The L-159B is a light subsonic attack jet and advanced trainer, developed in the single-seat L-159A and two-seat L-159B versions respectively, manufactured by Aero Vodochody in the Czech Republic. Features Gmax model with 4 LODs; animated gear, wheels, struts, flaps, control surfaces, canopy, trim; animated and clickable virtual cockpit; 22 custom made gauges; lightmap and damage textures; landing, nav, formation, beacon, taxi and cockpit lights; custom dynamics and more. By Vit Storch.
Textures for the RanchoJen F7U Cutlass which was updated for FSX by Michael Pook. This is painted as the No.7 jet of the Blue Angels including pilot in Blue Angels flight suit. Requires the fsx_FU7_cutlass.zip file. Repainted by R.E. Wyman.
Posted Sep 14, 2018 23:35 by R.E. Wyman
Can I start in free flight on a carrier? Sign in to follow this. Then you can substitute any aircraft you want and save it again etc. Share this post. Link to post. You have a few options - there's a download in the library called 'Carrier Tracks' (sorry, no link, I'm on a cell phone), it has a few AI carrier routes set up. Free fsx aircraft carrier download in Description Flight Deck 5 The Flight Deck 5 for FSX 1.0 is a software simulation add-on program of the aircraft carrier USS Gerald R Ford for users of the FSX and FS2004 flight simulation programs. FS2004 3wire Aircraft Carrier Simulator. Download hits 1,315 Compatibility FS2004 Filename 3wirev2.zip File size 526.16 KB Virus Scan Scanned 19 days ago (clean) Access to file Free (Freeware) Content Rating Everyone ⇲ Download 526.16 KB. File Contents.
11.19Mb (406 downloads)
Garry Smith Archive Files: Lockheed C-141B Starlifter Transload Airlines (fictional). The C-141B was America's first all jet cargo aircraft, designed as both a cargo and troop carrier. It has been a true workhorse since entering service. More sorties were flown by C-141's in support of the gulf war than any other cargo aircraft. Sadly, it is scheduled to be retired in 2006. Self-install package includes 6 Military Versions and 1 Cargo Version. The animations are exceptional: animated, fully-functional REVERSE thrusters!!Model Developed by Mike Stone Textures by Garry Smith Installer compiled by Dan Jones TVA fleet manager
Fs9 Freeware Aircraft Downloads
3.65Mb (407 downloads)
Garry Smith Archive Files: C-130J Hercules in Transload Airlines livery (fictional). The C-130J is a tactical and multi-role transport aircraft providing strategic air support to the Australian Defence Force (ADF) throughout the world, search and survivor assistance, aero-medical evacuation. Self-install package includes 3 Military Version and 1 Cargo Version Model Developed by Mike StoneTextures by Garry Smith Installer compiled by Dan Jones TVA fleet manager
Download Aircraft Carrier For Fs2004 Freeware Scenery
11.01Mb (675 downloads)
Garry Smith Archive Files: Transload Airlines (fictional) Military Division A/OA-10 Thunderbolt II is the first Air Force aircraft specially designed for close air support of ground forces. They are simple, effective and survivable twin-engine jet aircraft that can be used against all ground targets, including tanks and other armored vehicles. The download includes 3 separate versions. Developed by Mike Stone Textures by Garry SmithCompiled by Dan Jones TVA fleet manager
2.30Mb (194 downloads)
Garry Smith Archive Files: FS2004 Boeing B-52H StratofortressThe venerable 'Buff' has served the U.S. Air Force for over 50 years. Upgraded steadily over the years, this old veteran can still deliver a fearsome bombload over huge distances.Aircraft Developed by Mike Stone Textures by Garry Smith Compiled by Dan Jones of 'TVA' (a 'virtual airline). Prepared by Ronald Falzon
18.12Mb (144 downloads)
FS2004 only Mitsubishi J8M1 Shusui (Japanese Me-163 Komet version) with independent working skid and trolley, so you can start on the trolley and land on the skid. Nice 2D and rudimentary VC, both with working Japanese gauges (all included) and extra panels, also smoke- and guneffects for fun. Updated soundfile with glidersounds. All credits go to Ignacio Alfredo Mendive, the original designer. Enjoy!
FS2004 only Messerschmitt Me-163B Komet with independent working skid and trolley, so you can start on the trolley and land on the skid. Nice 2D and rudimentary VC, both with working gauges (all included) and extra panels, also smoke- and guneffects for fun. Updated soundfile with glidersounds. All credits go to Ignacio Alfredo Mendive, the original designer. Enjoy!
Messerschmitt P.1110 Ente prototypes (fighter/nightfighter), converted from CFS2 to FS9, with acceptable 2D & VC (all gauges & effects included). All credits go to Mark Walsh (Luft '46). Enjoy!
9.92Mb (104 downloads)
Fs9 Aircraft Downloads Free
Garry Smith archive files: Commonwealth CA27 Sabre 4 Textures: Commonwealth RAAF, RAAF 3Sqn, RAAF 76Sqn and RAAF Enhanced. These files are being posted so the community does not loose access to Garry Smith's files after his website went down. Model by Mike Stone. Textures by Garry Smith. Assembled by Ronald Falzon
Posted Jul 20, 2018 12:56 by Ronald Falzon
Aircraft Carrier For Fs2004
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