Upload File In Selenium Webdriver Using Autoit With Selenium


Upload File using AutoIT & SendKeys:

In this post we are going to see on how to upload file using AutoIT and sendKeys method in Selenium WebDriver. There are two cases which are majorly used to upload file in Selenium WebDriver such as using SendKeys Method and using AutoIT Script.

Also Read: How To Download File Using AutoIT in Selenium WebDriver

1. Upload file using SendKeys method in Selenium WebDriver:

Upload a file using AutoIT in Selenium-Webdriver July 12, 2015 July 12, 2015 Hari Charan Generally we face a problem while uploading a file in selenium.Because we know that selenium only supports web based applications.In order to suppress this we need to use AutoIT.For example you wanna upload your a file in Gmail-compose. What you gonna do???

Its very straightforward. Using sendkeys method, we could easily achieve this. Locate the text box and set the file path using sendkeys and click on submit button.


AutoIt Script Explanation:

Upload File In Selenium Webdriver Using Autoit With Selenium

Line 1 : WinWaitActive(“File Upload”)

Above line of code changes the focus of cursor on the Window popup box to upload file.

File Upload‘ is the name of the window popup when using Mozilla Firefox. If you want to use other browsers such as Chrome you need to pass the value as ‘Open‘ (‘Open’ is the name of the window popup) and for IE you need to pass the value as ‘File To Upload’ (‘File To Upload’ is the name of the window popup)

Line 2 : Send(“Path of the document”)

Once the window popup is active, it sets the path of the document which needs to be uploaded


Line 3 : Send(“{ENTER}”)

After that it clicks on Open button which will upload the document

Step 3: Once the file is saved, we need to convert the ‘UploadFile.au3’ to ‘UploadFile.exe’. To do this we need to compile the ‘UploadFile.au3’

Right click on the file ‘UploadFile.au3’ and click on ‘Compile Script’ to generate an executable file ‘UploadFile.exe’

Step 4: In Eclipse, add the below mentioned Selenium Script and run

Given clear explanation in the comments section with in the program itself. Please go through it to understand the flow.

Upload File In Selenium Webdriver Using Autoit With Selenium Key

Runtime.getRuntime().exec('File Path of AutoIt.exe');

Upload File In Selenium Webdriver Using Autoit With Selenium Download


This way we could upload a file using AutoIT

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