Operation Research By P.k.gupta And D.s.hira Free


Operations Research, 7/e Prem Kumar Gupta & D S Hira. 'Operations Research' transmutes deftly into a resource or a reference text for the students of statistics and mathematics or aspirants of various entrance examinations including UPSC. Introduction to Operations. Operations research by pk gupta.pdf FREE PDF DOWNLOAD. Related searches for operations research by pk gupta Operation Research - famt.ac.in. Operations Research.

Operation Research By P.k.gupta And D.s.hira Free Online

Operation research by p.k.gupta and d.s.hira free downloadOperation Research By P.k.gupta And D.s.hira Free

Operation Research By P.k.gupta And D.s.hira Freeze

<p>GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITYMECHENICAL ENGINEERING B. E. SEMESTER: VIISubject Name: Operation Research Subject Code: 171901 Teaching SchemeTheory Tutorial Practical Total</p><p>Evaluation SchemeUniversity Exam (E) Theory Practical 70 30 Mid Sem Exam (Theory) (M) 30 Practical (Internal)</p><p>4</p><p>2</p><p>0</p><p>6</p><p>20</p><p>Sr. Course Content No 1. BASICS OF OPERATION RESEARCH: Definition, characteristics, phases, scope and limitations of OR. 2. LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Formulation, graphical method, Simplex method, Degeneracy, Big-M method, Two phase method, duality, sensitivity analysis. 3. TRANSPORTATION MODEL: North-West Corner rule, Least-cost method, Vogels approximation method, Degeneracy in transportation problem, stepping stone method, modified distribution method, unbalanced supply and demand, profit maximization problem, prohibited transportation routes, transshipment problems. 4. ASSIGNMENT MODEL: Hungarian method for solution, non square matrix, restriction on assignments, Maximization problem, travelling salesman problem. 5. GAMES THEORY : Terms used in game theory, Two person zero sum games, pure strategy, matrix reduction by dominance, mixed strategies(2 x 2 , 2 x n , m x 2 , 3 x 3 games), algebric, arithmetic and graphical method. 6. REPLACEMENT MODELS : Replacement of items whose maintenance and repair costs increase with time- ignoring changes in the value of money during the period and considering value of money changes with time, replacement of items that</p><p>Total Hrs. 2</p><p>7</p><p>5</p><p>4</p><p>4</p><p>4</p><p>fail suddenly, group replacement policy, mortality and staffing problems. 7. QUEUING MODELS : Terms used in queuing theory, Kendalls notation, classification of queuing models- model 1 (M/M/1) : (/FCFS) single server unlimited queue, model 2, (M/M/1) : (/SIRO), model 3 birth-death process-generalisation of model (M/M/1) : (/FCFS), model 4 (M/M/1) : (N/FCFS) single server finite queue, model 5 (M/M/C) : (/FCFS) multi channel queuing model. 8. INVENTORY MODELS: Objectives of inventory management, inventory classification, inventory costs, EOQ, inventory models with deterministic and probabilistic demand, ABC analysis. 9. NETWORK ANALYSIS: Terms used in network analysis, Network or arrow diagram, Fulkersons rule, Programme evaluation and review technique (PERT), Critical path method (CPM), Crashing of network. 10. SIMULATION: Introduction, Monte Carlo Simulation, Generation of random numbers. 11. DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: Introduction, Bellmans principle of Optimality, solution of problems with finite number of stages, solution of LPP by dynamic programming. 3 3 4 4 5</p><p>Term Work:The term work shall be based on the topics mentioned above.</p><p>Practical / Oral:The candidate shall be examined on the basis of term-work.</p><p>Text Books:1. 2. 3. 4. Operation Research P.K. Gupta &amp; D.S. Hira, S.Chand &amp; Company Ltd, New Delhi Quantitative Techniques in Management N.D. Vohra , Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi Operation research P. Rama Murthy, New Age, New Delhi. Operation Research Hamdy A. Taha, Pearson Education.</p><p>Reference Books:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Operation Research- A.P. Verma , S.K. Kataria and Sons, New Delhi. Operation Research- Rathindra P. Sen PHI Learning, New Delhi. Operation Research- S. Kalavathy, Vikas publishing house, Noida. Operation Research C.Mohan &amp; Kusum Deep, New Age, New Delhi. Operation Research Askhedkar &amp; Kulkarni, Dhanpatrai &amp; Sons Operation Research V. K . Kapoor, Sultan Chand &amp; Sons, New Delhi. Operation Research D.S. Cheema , Laxmi publication, New Delhi Operation Research S.D.Sharma , Kedarnath publications New delhi</p>